01392 461 881 | 07811369078 | wizardcalledozz@yahoo.co.uk
Ozzy has been working at fêtes for over thirty years, ever since he helped his parents organise fêtes and similar events at his local school! He knows how to organise an enjoyable fun-packed fête — and has even written a book on the subject! In addition to presenting any of his shows and workshops (magic, balloon modelling, circus skills and so on), Ozzy can act as compère for the day, run stage games, provide sideshow stalls (great for raising money!) and even help with the prizes. A fête can be so much more than just a tombola and a cake stall. Ozzy’s unique experience in this area is at your disposal, and he will be happy to share a wealth of good ideas to make your fête a special one that people enjoy and remember.

Trade Shows
Ozzy can increase your stand’s footfall and conversion rates. Ozzy can provide entertainment ranging from balloon modelling to face painting or close-up magic that incorporates your brand or key messages. He can also act as a compère for the day for all corporate and promotional events (P.A. system required). He knows how to create a fun atmosphere for your clients and prospects (providing an excellent ice-breaker for your sales team) and how to make your name and brand stand out from the rest.

Team building is very important for business. Ozzy can create a range of special team building events to suit all occasions. For example, he can run a magic workshop in which everyone learns some basic magic techniques and then create and perform their own routines as a group. He can also organise puzzle evenings or circus skills training. Ozzy always strikes the right balance between fun and interactive team development.

01392 461 881 | 07811369078 | magic@ozzyd.co.uk