I have worked in many types of venues for children's parties below are some links and tips which have been very useful over the years.
I can perform for children's parties in any situation from a house to large venues.
The main things to consider are:
There are many types of hall the most popular are village and church halls, sometimes a cheaper option is your own school hall, local pub or sports facilities. (If looking at sports facilities make sure there isn’t a team game at the same time as your party in the other room).
The room
Try and find a room which is on ground level, has adequate heating and will allow you to place decorations up. A lot of halls have restrictions on what you are allowed to place on the walls, also the older halls and scout huts run on electric meter which could be expensive.
If the hall doesn’t have their own car park make sure there is adequate on street parking for easy access and not residential parking or pay and display.
Size of hall
If the hall is too large for the amount of kids you could loose the atmosphere of the party and can also be too much of a temptation for the kids to run around.
Ask if the hall has a kitchen as not all halls have this facility.

01392 461 881 | 07811369078 | magic@ozzyd.co.uk