01392 461 881 | 07811369078 | wizardcalledozz@yahoo.co.uk

Ozzy draws on his extensive experience of working in holiday parks to bring a fun interactive game show for all ages.
The game show consists of games of skill, games of chance and games of pure silliness where everyone plays, with no elimination. Split into teams or go head-to-head in fast-paced, 1 minute games.
For teenagers and corporate team building days, the games can be played individually or as a round robin where everyone gets the chance to play all the games and to gamble points if you think you can beat the opposition!
Games include Speed Ball, Light Frenzy Challenge, Splat the Rat, Crossbow Shoot as well as stage games such Speed Ball, Cup Stacking, Tissue Twerking, Spinning Plates, Human Hungry Hippos and many more!
Ozzy’s game shows are fun, interactive and can be as competitive as you wish. Perfect for teenage groups, scouts/guides, corporate events, school shows or even weddings. Games are updated regularly so no two events are the same. For teenagers and team-building, why not also try the Escape Room Puzzle Party?!
To discuss your specific event, get in touch. Ozzy can advise on the best format and games for your individual requirements.
01392 461 881 | 07811369078 | magic@ozzyd.co.uk