01392 461 881 | 07811369078 | wizardcalledozz@yahoo.co.uk
School Shows
Ozzy’s vast experience together with his ability to entertain mixed age groups makes him the perfect choice when looking for an entertainer for end of term parties, themed Christmas shows or proms, summer fetes, fundraising events or fun days. We can discuss your individual requirements and ideas to tailor a show to suit your particular audience.

School Shows
From preschoolers to secondary, teenagers, prom attendees, Ozzy D will entertain and amaze with his madcap shows or amazing sleight of hand close up magic. Ozzy’s school magic shows are a great way to entertain the children to mark the end of term, Christmas, leavers’ prom evening or summer fair.
Ozzy's sleight of hand magic is very popular with school proms and one if his favourite shows to do , teenager love close up magic.
For something a little more hands-on, Ozzy also offers school magic workshops for classroom activities as well as fun, interactive and educational maths shows!
To discuss your individual requirements, please get in touch!

01392 461 881 | 07811369078 | magic@ozzyd.co.uk